Job Creation under the EB-5 Program: Fostering Economic Growth and Opportunity

At ARCASIA, we recognize the paramount importance of job creation in the EB-5 program. As an EB-5 investor, it is mandatory to demonstrate to the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) that your investment has resulted in the creation or maintenance of a minimum of 10 full-time jobs for American workers, excluding non-immigrants, temporary workers, and immediate family members.

The USCIS requires tangible proof that a New Commercial Enterprise (NCE), which serves as your investment vehicle, has directly employed the workers. These workers must fulfill the requirement of being employed on a full-time basis, working a minimum of 36 hours per week.

Job creation can take two forms: direct and indirect.

Direct jobs refer to positions that are created within the specific project or enterprise in which you have made your investment. These jobs are directly tied to the project and can include roles such as employees, managers, and executives. It is essential that direct jobs meet the full-time employment criteria as prescribed by the USCIS.

Indirect jobs, on the other hand, are created outside of the project, resulting from the economic impact of your investment. These jobs arise from the purchase of materials, goods, and services related to the project. If you have chosen to invest through a regional center, the USCIS allows for reasonable research methodologies to calculate indirect job creation. This may include statistical evidence, multiplier tables, and feasibility studies. An Input-Output Model (I-O Model) analysis is a widely accepted approach in regional center-associated EB-5 category petitions. Such analysis helps us understand the interrelationships between businesses and consumers in the economy, providing valuable insights into the indirect job creation potential of your investment.

At Arcasia, we are well-versed in the intricacies of job creation methodologies and understand the USCIS requirements. Our team of professionals will work closely with you to ensure that your investment plan aligns with these guidelines and maximizes the potential for job creation. We employ rigorous research and analysis to provide comprehensive documentation supporting the job creation aspects of your EB-5 petition.

By investing in the EB-5 program, not only do you pave the way for your own immigration goals but also contribute to the growth and prosperity of the American economy. Job creation plays a vital role in fostering economic growth, improving local communities, and providing opportunities for American workers.

Contact us today to learn more about the EB-5 program and how we can assist you in navigating the job creation requirements. Our dedicated team is here to guide you through the process and help you achieve your immigration and investment objectives.